Our Weekly Routine
As Dads to now 9 month old twins, our hands are definitely tied, and our schedules are quite busy these days. After having mastered their most current routine, what better time to share snippets of all the fun adventures we go on daily, over a span of one week, including the 70 diapers, 100oz's of formula and 56 bottles we consume with our growing boys! Also, we've recently discovered some great new products for men, and we'd love to share our finds and opinions on them, and where you can get some upcoming deals!

Our Day-to-Day
As with many parents, our days often start bright and early, around 7-8am, when our first baby wakes, usually Dean, who starts belting loud random noises to try and get our attention. Our twins sleep in their nursery, one door down from our bedroom, with background classical usually playing, so the screams are getting louder and louder, as time passes. If they awake too early, we pump up the music a bit and they tend to fall back asleep for another hour or so, and then its time to commence the day, with their first feed. We both assist with this first feed, and change diapers and prep them for their morning adventure, usually a park visit with Papi Daniel. Dennis leaves to work at this time, and doesn't return until about 6pm, most days.

Park Visits
Our boys love exploring nature and they've pretty much visited every park in Miami, Florida by now. It's definitely a shame many parks don't have swings, and many that do, don't have swings for babies. Our boys LOVE the swings and they can stay in them for quite a bit, smiling ear to ear, upon every swing. Being out in nature allows them to explore sites, sounds, and different smells they wouldn't otherwise sense inside a home. It opens up their exploratory side and enhances their physical and motor development. We've seen so much growth in our boys after beginning these daily park visits. Their growth and habits have changed, and their sleep has also improved. After having spent so many months cooped up indoors because of the pandemic, I think the outdoors is a healthy outlet for dads as well!
When it comes to bottle feeds, our boys have got this down pact! They feed about 8oz's each time, and they self-feed, so it gives dads a reprieve for a few minutes, sometimes just to catch a breath or use the restroom. Spoon feeding is a whole different animal, and still somewhat of a challenge. Because our boys were born prematurely, it took them longer than normal to catch-on to spoon feedings, and swallowing food. Devin struggled with this more, and we often had to place a pacifier in his mouth after every small spoonful of puree to assist him with swallowing. At 9 months, they've mastered this and each much better, and faster, but because only one dad is present, it's not an easy feat to accomplish. Thank goodness for Baby Dazzle's Kid Cover, helping keep the food messes off their bodies!
We've also shifted our food making dynamic to give ourselves a small break. At first we made our own puree's every day, and then we shifted to once a week and freezing and now we purchase our food from a company that delivers fresh every week, and can be refrigerated for up to two weeks or frozen for later use. It's been a time saver and huge convenience for these busy dads!
Naps & Other Adventures
After their morning adventure, and midday feed, its nap time. Nap time means their bellies are full of puree and formula and they're back in their cribs for a minimum of 3 hours. During nap time, dad catches up on laundry, cleaning bottles and the mess from lunch and any other household chores that have been left behind.
Once they awake from their nap, its time for a quick bottle feed and they're off on another adventure. Once a week we usually like to have some pool fun with our boys. We bought them a cute, small rainbow pool and they love to soak their bodies and roll around and splash, and at times exit the pool to try and explore further surroundings (haha!). The park visits have definitely made them more exploratory, and it's a great thing to see them want to venture off and see and touch different things in their environment. Other times they go on strolls in their stroller, either around our neighborhood or near a relatives neighborhood, where Daniel can catch up with family outdoors, while they walk for an hour or two.
Nighttime means both dads are back together and assisting one another with all the baby duties. Once Dennis arrives from work, he goes straight to take a shower and freshen up and then its time to play with the boys, keep them entertained and happy and just help in any way possible. We bathe the boys, every other day at this point, and sometimes daily, because they are out and about and can get quite dirty and smelly. The baby smells are slowly disappearing and the more grown toddler scents are starting to trickle in so we like to keep them nice and clean and tidied up. Dennis usually does the actual bathing part while Daniel preps the towels, creams, diapers and gets their last bottle of the night ready. Bath time is a great time to have that one on one time with each baby and talk to them and play in the water, and with their duckies, and bond. It's definitely a memorable part of our week, and a critical one for their development and growth as well.
Busy, Active Dads, need NEW, fresh smelling products!
As you can see from above, our days are filled with endless activity, so it's important for us to have our moment to freshen the body, mind and spirit, and keep our senses in check, as well. We've been users of #Gillette and #OldSpice products for years, and recently came upon some newly released personal care products. Although we are very budget conscious because of the expense babies can bring, it doesn't mean we can't explore the newest on-trend items, and lucky for you, #Publix has some great deals coming up! We're pretty finnicky when it comes to body washes and deodorants, but these options, hit the nail on the head when it comes to soothing, calming and deodorizing scents. Check out these New @ Publix deals below, shop them at your nearest Publix, and while you're at it, get something for your family members too. The added benefit of shopping Publix is you can check everything off your list in one swift shopping experience, while spending less, a big bang for your buck!
Old Spice Red Reserve New Cologne Scented Body Wash & Old Spice Wild Collection Nightpanther
These new scents are definitely a breath of fresh air, outdoor air that is. With hints of citrus and blue kelp, The Red Reserve New Cologne, Sea Spray, is definitely our new go-to body wash. The Nightpanther body wash is a stronger scent, perfect for those extra busy days and nights, and it features a heavy lather with a chocolate vanilla scent blended with citrus. Definitely SNIFFWORTHY and long-lasting!
New Item Ad: 04/22/21- $1 off TWO

Old Spice Clinical Anti-perspirant
As it relates to deodorant, we all have our wants and needs and for us, its important our deodorant has antiperspirant qualities that not only deodorize, but are extra-effective at preventing further sweating while keeping the scent in check throughout the day. This deodorant, as well as the Gillette option below, do the trick, perfectly. Enough scent to keep you feeling fresh and clean, but not overpowering any other scent you may have on. Both the Pure Sport Plus and the Stronger Swagger versions have hints of lemon and lime, for a perfect citrusy blend.
New Item Ad: 04/22/21 - $1 off TWO
New Item Display: 04/22/21-05/19/21
Digital Coupon: $2 off ONE - 04/20/21-05/17/21

Gillette Invisible Solid
Dennis has been a long-term user and advocate of Gillette deodorant products and it is definitely one of his must-have items. As a heavy sweater, Gillette has been one of the most effective at keeping underarm wetness in check, and this non-irritant option, does the trick, just as the clear-gels have in the past for him. It's actually a much cleaner alternative too, leaving no stains behind.
New Item Ad: 04/22/21 - $1 off TWO
New Item Display: 04/22/21-05/19/21
Digital Coupon: $2 off ONE - 04/20/21-05/17/21

Old Spice Moisturize with Shea Butter Shampoo and all restaged hair styling skus with upgraded formulas & packaging (launched Jan. 21)
We're both constantly testing and using different brands of shampoos, but none have been as moisturizing and great-smelling as this product. The shea butter additive definitely keeps the hair and scalp soft, supple and clean.
New Item Ad: 04/22/21 - $1 off TWO

Click HERE to find your nearest Publix location.
A big thank you to Proctor and Gamble and Publix for making this collaboration possible. All opinions shared are expressly ours after having used the products ourselves.
YouTube Video
Check out this weeks vlog below, as we explore our daily adventures with our boys. Although we're not filming all day, every day during a week, we grabbed the most important snippets, and fun adventures, to create a well-rounded weekly routine. As always, don't forget to like, comment and subscribe, and send some future vlogging ideas our way!